Bounced Fan Mail!

I get so many letters and emails from you folks, it is so amazing when you get in touch! I always reply, but sometimes my email is blocked—especially by overzealous school email filters. If an email bounces back, I will post it here—although I’ll remove names and emails and any personal information. This week I received a really interesting email:

“Hi Gordon, I have a couple questions for you. So, I just read Execution over the weekend, and I went into my mind to think about everything Alex has been through, and for some reason I want to experience everything he did. Do you have an explanation for that? And if so, have you ever felt that yourself?”

And here is my reply!

Hi *****!

Thanks so much for your email, it’s really awesome to know that you are reading my books!! :-)

And YES, I totally understand what you are saying!! It’s so strange, isn’t it, when you finish a book and you just want to be a part of that world, and part of those characters' lives—even if that world and those lives have been so difficult. 

It’s partly because we build a real bond with characters in books. We share such an important part of their lives, we get to know them better than we know our best friends, our families, maybe even ourselves. They are our friends. So it’s totally understandable that we want to stay in their world, to experience everything they experience. It’s sometimes really painful to have to say goodbye, knowing that we can’t stay in touch with these people after the story ends. I hate that feeling!

It’s a sign of a good book, too, one that really pulls you in and makes you forget about the real world. I sometimes read books that make me completely forget about everything, and it’s so disappointing when you have to go back to normal. These stories are about people doing incredible things, and it’s nice to feel like we are all capable of doing the same incredible things. 

But I honestly think it’s that bond between us and the character that is the most powerful thing. We want to share their experience, we want to be there for them. And we have been through something amazing with them. 

None of this might make any sense, but I do understand how you feel! And it’s an honour that my books made you feel like that!

Thanks so much for reading my books, and for taking the time to write to me!

All best wishes,


I’m so sorry that my reply didn’t reach you!

Does anyone else ever feel like this?